Pitch for the channel

2 min readMar 10, 2021


MildEngi, I found it in a random name generator using the keyword Engi and found that it hasn’t been taken. The name is rather closely tied to the community as one of the main aspects of the game the Engineer is often shortened down to Engi.

I am likely going to be using edited/clipped videos of gaming. Genre wise I’m going to focus on a Team Fortress 2 free to play fps that has a fair amount of popularity on the internet though depending on responses and how it goes I’ll be open to other genres/games. Though that will be mostly to network with other students. As for posts on social media, I will focus on a more casual approach posting memes that relate to the main channel, interact with people and post links to the videos/upload the video.

My main reason for choosing the channels I have is that I regularly visit those sites in my daily life. This leads me to believe that I will have an easier experience adapting to it and its convenient for sharing video after they have been edited unlike streaming services. The two social medias I have chosen for my side channels are Twitter and Steam. I have a relatively unused steam account that could be repurposed.

Since the game has received a surge in popularity due to the pandemic it might be good to focus on newer players. I’ll be sing simpler/more common terminology and using a guide like structure. The general audience for the game tends to be late-teens and adults since ironically the less realistic graphics and slapstick violence makes it less popular with teens and kids. Since I want this to be my main (if not only) focus it makes sense for the channel to be targeted at the same group.

